Stock Quick MonstaFish Big Guys PostMod RetroActive Twinny/Quad
Product Specs
"Gut that fish" - the all new modern retroactive Quad Fang uses progressive rocker & deep heavy concaves for a board that gets up on plane, and holds a rail through full-speed carves like none before it. This one comes in at a gargantuan yet fetching 6'6" x 23 1/2" x 3 3/8" 60.5L MonstaFish. I've literally gutted the belly of the beast so she has more efficient water flow, making her speedy as all get out with no lack of fast-twitch muscle fiber rail response. Go on, and manhandle the baby. Other features include 80s style flat deck to pack on the liters combined with sloped, downrails and hard edges to knife your corners at zip-stitch top velocity. Nose features a subtle beaky buzzard.
This board combines a modernized, sleeked up retro fish outline with a progressive rocker and one-of-a-kind freaky hull contours. Glide or gouge, float or carve, crouch low with five on the nose, or stand tall and arch the back.
- Dimensions: can be customized in production options area - this one is 6’6” x 23 1/2” x 3 3/8” 60.5L
- Tail Shape: deep swallow
- Construction: customizable - this one pictured with a spot carbon stringer patch on the deck (optional in custom options)
- Fins: twinny/quad option - fins sold separately - this one has an FCSII quad fin install