SuperGrom Flyin' Lion
Product Specs
- Dimensions: can be customized in production options area
- Tail Shape: squash, thumb, roundpin
- Construction: customizable
- Fins: can be customized
- Artwork: Mendia | reds in resin
We love groms. And this is our latest little rippers board. It features a deep single concave with added tail rocker so small framed people can whip it; whip it real good.
How great is it to be a grom?!…surfin’ three sessions a day….the perpetual salt-bake on your skin…and too amped for that next surf, to push on to the next level with the new maneuvers you’ve been trying. Here’s a board for you core groms out there. This board’s as high performance as they come; scaled down to what’s the right dimensions for you. All the performance shortboard models are available in “Super Grom” dimensions. Available from 2’6” to 5’7”.