Stock Quick Mendia | carbon reinforced
Product Specs
If you like the feeling of a A V-8 under the hood for aggressive speed and and wide grippy tires for taking the turns at maximum velocity, then this is the board for you. A power-broker’s favorite tool for laying the wave face wide open, and letting it rain. Features heavy concaves through the fins for maximum hold at top speed.
- Dimensions: can be customized in production options area
- Tail Shape: squash, thumb
- Construction: can be customized
- (pictured in) Proxy epoxy Ridiculite = The unique construction of the “Proxy Ridiculite” series (Ultralightweight reinforced w/ carbon stringer patches) yields a board that self-adjusts its rocker to fit the changing curve of the wave. This ‘suspension system’ creates increased torque and drive leading into, and following out of, maneuvers. This construction is ideally suited to waves slightly overhead & under. The future of surfing is boards with self-adjusting rocker that form-fit to the curve of the wave, making your second, third & forth maneuvers bigger and more powerful; even though the wave may be losing momentum, your board will be gaining speed. Stronger than a standard poly/pu & crazy light. (If you like the idea of Carbon reinforcement on the stringer but don't want Ridiculite or Teamlite, just choose a stronger construction in the drop down options)
- Fins: can be customized
The M endia
This board design is inspired by the surfing of madman Pete Mendia, for a powersurfing hackathon. A board designed for timeless power surfing; gouging rail arcs; big sprays; made for deep barrels and goliath turns. Crazy sweepy tail rocker for a waterworks spectacular.
any and all dims available. Peter’s is 6’2″ x 18 3/4″ x 2 9/16″ 31.3L
- FIN CONFIGURATION: Typically thruster, but also available as five fin option to ride as tri or quad.
- WAVE PREFERENCES: waist high to overhead; fairly decent to good waves
- AVAILABLE TAIL CONFIGURATIONS: squash, roundtail, or swallowtail
- RECOMMENDED RIDER TYPES: intermediate to expert