Pelican Midlength | steel blue resin tint
The Pelican Midlength
6-channel / panel vee bottom we’re calling “The Pelican” because it glides and swoops smooth and silent as it speeds along its beaked nose way. Now available for custom orders for all you Morning of the Earth lovers...why? Because we love you ;)
Product Specs
- Dimensions: can be customized in production options area
- Tail Shape: roundpin, squash
- Fins: center fin sold separately | 4+1 or 2+1 options
- Construction: customizable
- Artwork: Steel blue resin tint with cutlaps
***Please note that epoxy resin is not clear like polyester resin. The foam structure & S-glass used in fabrication of our epoxies yields a stronger more durable product. Due to these factors, traditional full length resin tints with cutlaps have a much more mottled, hazy and organic final aesthetic than traditional polyester/pu boards do. The edges do not cut as clean & you can see the fiberglass & patches more visibly. Resin tints on poly/pu boards appear more clear and smooth, while the epoxies appear more organic & a bit more rough. Many people like this look as it conveys the nature of the handmade, high grade composite components of the boards. However we like to make surfers considering an epoxy resin tint board aware of this distinctive appearance. You will notice there are very few places in the world where you can order a custom epoxy surfboard with traditional resin tints. We are stoked to make this option available to you. If you like a more organic look you'll be delighted. If you're looking for a spray booth style, more plastic wrap look you won't dig it.