Powerbroker Med-Large Proctor Fiberglass Tri Fins - MADE IN USA
Proctor Powerbroker Large MADE IN THE USA Fiberglass Tri Fins
Introducing HANDMADE in the USA, 🇺🇸 CNC custom Proctor Power Broker Med-Large Fin template in solid bright white pigmented fiberglass, just rolled off the presses..... These fins will all be made right here in our own town. Super-tuned high performance foils.
The large base makes for a fin with tons of drive, while the top half of the fin is foiled out, making for a tip with plenty of recoil through the second half of turns, and a planshape that's not too bulky through the top half so you get the best of both worlds - plenty of drive & speed off the bottom, yet whippy & thwangy in the lip.
This is what's called a high-aspect fin designed around power surfing with controlled release. It is made from one solid piece of fiberglass so you have no compromised seam associated with the bonding of the fin to the base.
My vision for this fin harkens back to the era when all boards were glass-ons, solid fiberglass with solid bases attached right into the bottom of the board. A seamless design function. These new fins have a bigger base than typical large thrusters, yet a tip with less area in the top half of the fin.
Also the fiberglass used is standard 4oz, nothing too stiff or rigid. A solid foil around the base for unparalleled drive but with tips that are very foiled out so the rebound of the fiberglass can be felt as it recoils faster out of turns than the foam-filled / RTM construction of the outsourced hexcore fins. The base and fin are all constructed as one unit during the CNC process.
This gives the fins a sturdy, glassed-in feel, and makes them resilient to cracking along the base over time. And how it rides? = Drivey as all get out, but with controlled release and a whippy feel through the second half of the turn, carries maximum speed and will hold a long rail arc without feeling stiff, but instead responsive and springy.
There’s nothing quite like good ol’ fiberglass when it comes to drive, hold and springy controlled release. Enjoy something better, and get where you wanna go with more life and longevity. Yeeew!! Limited edition high aspect fins. Not mass produced, but precision crafted in the USA.
A template for maximum drive complemented by controlled fin release. The flat foil caters to positive hold in fully committed rail carves.
Perfect for 140 - 175 lb range
Large Base for increased drive & hold
Center Fin is same size as side fins which creates a balanced positive hold and is a good complement to powerful surfing and boards that utilize heavy concave bottoms.
Base: 4.70 in, 119 mm
Height: 4.70 in, 119 mm
Area: 15.40 / 99.35cm -
Keep in mind that these Power Broker Futures fins are handmade and have the biggest possible base for maximum drive and hold. So you'll notice that the center fin especially comes right up to the screw. Just use care and be gentle as you drop it in and screw into place and you'll be fine. They do fit snugly. The big base is what makes them special. And just make sure you never overcrank the screw, just slowly turn until you feel some resistance and then stop so as not to break the tip of fin or strip out screw hole.Enjoy!!
- LARGE TEMPLATE || Larger base, rakier tip is really good for creating a lot of drive and holding a rail in turns. I design a lot of drive into my boards using fast rockers and concaves that force the water through the hull contours of the board....this efficient water flow creates both speed and grip - so you don't have to use small fins to reduce drag to try and create speed.
More positive hold and drive off the bottom with springier release out of turns; anyone and everyone will notice the difference.
Flat foiled fins break free sooner, and are better at controlling speed. Often surfers prefer them in fast powerful surf where they do not need to create additional speed. If you have muscle memory from riding glass-ons, flat foiled fins will feel the closest.