What is unique about the boards you shape?
I believe that true success is marked by how well you identify with the individual surfer. By going on a journey of discovery I guess you could say with each and every person I make boards for. Finding out what is going to be the best possible board for them. To take each person as a separate entity, one at a time, case by case; By asking the right questions, and really listening to them…the reality is that it is possible to take all the current design elements out there, and narrow them down to produce that perfect, magic board for each person wanting to take their experience to the next level. For this, I do not lock myself into one type or style of board for one particular cross-section of surfer(s), but draw from all that has come before design-wise and keep an open mind ready to receive downloads from the creator of all things as to what is around the next bend….and at the end of each day, my goal and what is unique about the boards I shape, is that my ultimate desire is to be a blessing to people by giving them something one-of-a-kind for their own journey. For me, board models are just the beginning, the starting place, the jumping off points that commence a beautiful journey. Every board made in our Ventura factory in the U.S.A.